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Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Reflecting on Computer Literacy
I learned a lot from computer literacy this year. I learned how to use most of the software in Microsoft office and open office. I didn't know how to really use the software before this class. I liked learning how to use formulas in the excel and calc software the most. I enjoyed the class and think that it will still be useful later in life.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Being A Good Digital Citizen
It's easier to be mean to someone online rather than offline because people are somewhat anonymous online. Another reason is because there at a distance and there are not physical repercussions most of the time if your anonymous.And it's harder to say something mean to someone to their face. We should remember that we are speaking to real people with real feelings and that being a bully online is no better than being a bully offline.
Monday, March 16, 2015
Punishing Pirates
People download software illegally everyday whether it be video games, music or movies. Pirates should be punished because they cause massive amounts of revenue loss. Up loaders of illegal content should be the ones that get punished though. There are more downloaders than uploaders so less uploaders means less downloads.

Sunday, March 1, 2015
Posting On The Internet
When you post something to the internet, it's there forever. Posting on forums and emails are permanent. People can save it to their computer and use it whenever they want without your consent. Pictures and videos can be saved and uploaded elsewhere. Employers can find a lot of personal info about you and it can ruin your employment chances. Whatever you put on the internet is retrievable so think before you post.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015
SkyTran's Levitating Pods
SkyTran is a personal rapid transit system first proposed by inventor Douglas Malewicki in 1990, and under development by Unimodal Inc. SkyTran wants to create driver less pods for transportation above the ground. They are magnetic, computer controlled vehicles going 150-200 mph. I think that these pods are a cool thing but I don't think it would be very efficient because if there were accidents, that would mess up the whole system and they cost 10 million per mile so to me it seems like too much of an inessential luxury.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Teenager using Spreadsheets
Spreadsheets are used a lot for businesses but can also be used by teenagers. One example is that a teen could use it for a study tool by writing answers and/or questions. Another example could be that they could make a list of things they need to do for the week like chores. The last example could be if they had a job they could make a budget of how much money they need to save and spend on things. These are only a few of the many ways teens could use spreadsheets.
Friday, November 14, 2014
Tips To Stop Cyberbullying
Cyber-bullying is bullying that takes place using electronic devices and can affect people as much as in person bullying. If a friend was getting cyber-bullied I would tell him to report it to law enforcement and tell his parents or guardians. I would also tell him to talk about it with someone other than me. I would tell him to say stop and try to ignore it if they don't stop. I'll also tell him to save all the evidence for later.
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